The success of this campaign depends on your commitment.

This section provides a framework of ideas for personal, citizen and organizational action, as well as links to other organizations related to World Campaign issues. World Campaign has an historic opportunity as a cross-generational movement. Baby boomers have the potential to rekindle the activism of the 60s without naivete. Generations since have become increasingly conscious of social justice and global issues to a degree unprecedented in human history. And each new generation can provide the regenerative fuel of activism. It's time now to reawaken idealism, focus on pragmatic solutions and connect people of conscience. World Campaign is an effort that can unite all generations and all humanity.

1. Personal Action.
There are many things we can accomplish by our own personal choices. For example, we can help the environment by recycling, paying attention to what products we buy and what these products support or destroy, conserve energy in our homes, drive less and use e-mail instead of paper products whenever possible. We can help create community by treating others with basic dignity and trying to engender a sense of dialogue and cooperation with others, regardless of our backgrounds or differences of opinion. And most importantly, we can keep learning and growing. If we want a world of accountability, justice, forgiveness, nurturing, sustainability, opportunity and peace, we must be willing to do the never-ending work to hold ourselves up to these values in our own behavior.

2. Citizen Action.
In the end, how we exercise our rights and responsibilities as citizens may have more impact on what kind of world we have than any other factor. No individuals or private charities or organizations have the resources of governments. Yet governments in the end are nothing more than the collective projection of you and me. What politicians do is our responsibility. They cannot ultimately be controlled by even the most powerful forces without the complicity of the majority through inaction. You can make a difference as a citizen by voting and by contacting government representatives and agencies with your opinions.

3. Organizational Action.
There are many organizations that address the issues World Campaign is concerned with, from local community groups to global charities or advocacy organizations. You can volunteer, you can donate, you can get involved with the organizations of your choice. Ask questions, such as where do organizations get their funds, and consider whether the sources are consistent with your values. Seek information, as many organizations can be a wealth of information on personal, citizen and organizational action in the areas you decide to focus on.

4. World Campaign Links.
The following sites may be useful for those who wish to obtain further information or take further action on World Campaign issues. Links to these sites does not imply in any way that World Campaign supports the organizations listed or views presented.

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

Abundant Life Seed Foundation
American Lung Association Air Quality Monitor
The Audubon Society
Bay Area International Development Organizations (BAIDO)
Center for Environmental Citizenship
Direct Relief International
Earth Day Campaign
The Earth Council
The Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA EnviroFacts homepage
Friends of the Earth
Global Response
Greenpeace International
Institute for Global Communications - EcoNet
International Education and Resource Network
League of Conservation Voters Environmental Scorecard
Natural Resources Defense Council
The Nature Conservatory
NetAid Foundation
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest Foundation USA
Rainforest Information Centre
The Sierra Club
The Turning Point Project
The Wilderness Society
The World Conservation Union
World Environmental Organization
World Resource Institute
World Watch Institute
World Wildlife Fund

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

Australians for an Ecologically Sustainable Population
The EPA Report: The Population Environment Connection
Global Reproductive Health Forum
Population Action International
The Population Council
The Population Institute
The Population Reference Bureau
United Nations Population Fund
World Overpopulation Awareness
World Watch Institute
Zero Population Growth

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

ACCION International
AirServ International
Americares Foundation
American Friends Service Committee
American Jewish World Service
Bread for the World
Catholic Relief Services
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
Children's Defense Fund
Christian Children's Fund
Church World Service Office on Global Education
Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food For The Hungry, Inc.
Global Water
Heifer Project
The Heritage Foundation
The Hunger Site
Institute for Food & Development Policy
Interfaith Hunger Appeal
International Christian Aid
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Lutheran World Relief
Mercy Corps International
Mennonite Central Committee
National Center for Children in Poverty
OEF International formerly Overseas Education Fund
Operation California/USA
Rural Development Institute
Save the Children
Second Harvest
Share Our Strength
Trickle Up Program
United Nations Volunteers
World Bank's PovertyNet
World Concern
World Food Programme
World Hunger Education Service
World Hunger Year

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

American Jewish World Service
Canadian Forces College-Department of National Defence
Catholic Relief Services
The Commission on Global Governance
Copenhagen Peace Research Institute
The Foundation for Prevention & Early Resolution of Conflict
Direct Relief International
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Rescue Committee
Institute for Global Communications - ConflictNet
Institute for Global Communications - PeaceNet
Lutheran World Relief
Medecins Sans Frontieres - Doctors Without Borders
Operation USA
Project Ploughshares
Refugees International
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations High Commission on Refugees/RefWorld
United Nations International Year for a Culture of Peace
United Nations Mine Action Service
United States Institute for Peace
War Child
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom
World Relief

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

AIDS Action Council
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes Assocation
American Foundation for the Blind
American Foundation for AIDS Research
American Heart Association
African Medical & Research Foundation
Bay Area International Development Organizations (BAIDO)
Black Coalition on AIDS
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Children's Health Fund
Concern America
Global Reproductive Health Forum
Heart of America Indian Center
Interchurch Medical Assistance
International Eye Foundation
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
MAP International
March of Dimes
Medecins Sans Frontieres - Doctors Without Borders
National Association of People with AIDS
National Breast Cancer Foundation
National Childhood Cancer Foundation
National Council for International Health
Office of AIDS Research
Operation USA
People of Color Against AIDS Network
Project Inform
Special Olympics
World Health Organization

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

Human Rights
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
American Jewish World Service
Americans for Better Care of the Dying
Amnesty International
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
Baptist World Alliance
Bay Area International Development Organizations (BAIDO)
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
Boys and Girls Club of America
Breaking Ranks
Center for Economic and Social Rights
Change for Kids
Children Now
Children's Defense Fund
Christian Aid
Church World Service
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Common Cause
Concern America
Crisisweb - The International Crisis Group
Dads and Daughters
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Generation Net
Global Foundation
Grassroots International
Heart of America Indian Center
Horizon Communications
Human Rights Education Association
Human Rights Issue Gopher
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Web
Human Rights Without Frontiers
Independent Women's Forum
International Rescue Committee
Just Act
The Justice Project
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
The Legal Research and Resource Center for Human Rights
Lutheran World Relief
Mennonite Central Committee
Minority Rights Group International
Ms. Foundation for Women
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - NAACP
National Council of Women's Organizations
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Organization of Women
National Partnership for Women and Families
People for the American Way
Rights International: The Center for Human Rights Law
Social Watch
Southern Poverty Law Center
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United Nations Development Fund for Women
United States Department of State - Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom
World Watch Institute

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

Economic Opportunity
ACCION International
Action Aid
Aga Khan Foundation
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Bay Area International Development Organizations (BAIDO)
Breaking Ranks
Catholic Relief Services
Center for Economic and Social Rights
Christian Aid
Christians Children's Fund
European Network on Debt and Development
Foundation for International Community Assistance
Global Volunteers
Habitat for Humanity
Head Start
Institute for Food and Development Policy
Global Exchange
Interchurch Medical Assistance
International Christian Aid
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Labour Organization
Jubilee 2000 International Movement
Mercy Corps International
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - NAACP
National Center for Children in Poverty
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Council of Negro Women
National Organization of Women
National Urban League
Operation USA
Overseas Development Council
Partners of the Americas
Peace Corps
Trickle Up Program
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific & Social Affairs
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Volunteers
United Way
World Bank
World Bank's PovertyNet
World Concern

Environment|Population|Hunger|War|Disease|Human Rights|Economic Opportunity

World Campaign Welcome